Since January 2010, Bangalore based Nithya Saadhana is enabling youth with Intellectual Developmental Disorder to stand tall in society by training them in employment friendly skills.
Going beyond vocational training, it is also supporting them to discover life on their own by providing them with functional skill training, social skill training, residential facilities, community living experience and life skills.
1. Young adults with Down’s syndrome
2. Young adults with borderline Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD)
3. High functioning autistic young adults
4.Young adults with severe learning difficulties
5. Young adults recovering from mental illnesses
NS-CLOVE – (Nithya Saadhana – Community Living Orientation
and Value Entity)
NS-VISTA – (Nithya Saadhana – Vocational Instructor Skill Training Academy)
Our Location:
Address: Nithya Saadhana #315,7th Main Road,Vijayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka
Phone Number:
+91 96633 97673